After School
After-school enrichment activities foster creative thinking beyond the classroom.
LCC Youth Program at Mason Public Schools
The goal of the LCC Youth Program is to offer a wide variety of opportunities to enjoy high-caliber academic pursuits in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, and STEAM.
Learn more and register for LCC Youth Programs at Mason Public Schools on the LCC website
MSU Gifted and Talented Programs
The mission of the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) office at Michigan State University (MSU) is to provide educational experiences that allow gifted students to develop intellectually, cultivate social relationships, and expand their understanding of the world.
Gifted and Talented Education Programs
ACT and SAT Testing for MSU GATE programs
GATE uses the ACT or SAT because they are above-grade-level tests, and the results on these tests more accurately assess the abilities of gifted students and their readiness for advanced and accelerated programs that GATE offers. Using the ACT or SAT test for assessment is consistent with NUMATS.
ACT and SAT Testing for MSU GATE programs
IQ Testing for MSU GATE Program
For application to GATE programs, an IQ test is acceptable in place of an ACT, SAT, or CogAT tests. To submit an IQ test result for a GATE application to be reviewed, it must include the evaluation in its entirety.
IQ Testing for MSU GATE Program
Financial Aid for MSU GATE Programs
Tuition assistance from the GATE office may be available to those with financial need. Aid is granted based on family income using the Federal Eligibility Guidelines for Reduced Lunch.
Financial Aid for MSU GATE Programs
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
The Cooke Young Scholars Program is a selective five-year, pre-college scholarship for high-performing 7th grade students with financial need. It provides comprehensive academic and college advising, as well as financial support for school, Cooke-sponsored summer programs, internships, and other learning enrichment opportunities.
Ingham ISD Gifted and Talented Programs
Gifted and Talented programs are available through Ingham Intermediate School District (ISD) and through partnerships with MSU and Lansing Community College. These programs provide challenging educational enrichment opportunities for K-12 students.