Community-Based Offerings

This page serves for placement of information from community-based programs such as scouting, YMCA camps, Capital Area District Library offerings, the annual Coats for Kids drive, and many more.  Mason Public Schools does not maintain websites linked on this page, please contact the organization directly with any questions.

All information is reviewed by the superintendent’s office before posting. Submit your information for posting. 

Ingham County 4-H Invites youth ages 5-19 to their still life workshop at North Aurelius Elementary School on March 8, 2025.  The Cloverbuds Workshop (ages 5-7) is 9:00am-12:00pm.  The workshop for ages 8-19 is 9:00am-2:30pm.  Session offerings include many crafts, fishing, shooting sports, coding and more.  The cost is $5.00 for the entire workshop and lunch is provided.  Adults are welcome to register for some sessions as space is available.  Registration closes on Thursday, February 27th.  

Lansing Vipers Youth Floor Hockey Team is accepting registration for ages 4-14.  Contact Coach Hoffman for more information.

Sunflower House Youth Garden Club is hosting an open enrollment event for students in grades 2nd through 6th, on April 2, 2025, at 5:30pm, at the Pink School House located at 706 W. Ash St., Mason.  Come dressed to be outdoors if weather permits.  Regular meetings take place on Wednesdays at 5:30pm at the Pink School House.  Contact Sharon Rodgers for more information.

Mason Baseball Softball Club (MBSC) registration opens mid-January for Tee Ball through U14.

Mason Soccer Club has open registration for athletes entering Kindergarten through 8th grade.

Building Twentyoneoffers enrichment programs, events and activities for students in 6- 12 grade. Students must be a registered member in order to sign up for programs, online registration is available. Once registered, members can access the open space, get help with homework, receive free items and enroll in enrichment programs.  Building Twentyone also offers Friday Night Live activities, which are open to non-members. 

Girls on the Run for 3rd through 5th grade girls. 

Good News Club Registration

Lansing Roller Derby
LCC Afterschool Youth Classes - Coming soon!

MSU Community Music School Children and Youth Choirs

Impression 5 Science Center offers a variety of workshops and events, including Sensory Friendly Hours, Lego Palooza and Make It! Innovative ThinkTank Workshops.