Child Development Services
Harvey Education Center (HEC) is a 4 Star Great Start to Quality Early Childhood Center. Child Development Services (CDS), located within HEC, provides both grant-based and tuition-based instruction for the Districts' youngest learners.
CDS also provides before and after school care and summer programming through Kids' Clubhouse.
Program specifics and registration information are provided below.
Principal's Welcome
I am proud to serve as the Early Childhood Principal at Harvey Education Center and facilitate a great first-school experience for your family. I have worked in Early Childhood Education for over 16 years, previously serving as a kindergarten and early elementary teacher. Providing exemplary early schooling, and partnering with families is my mission for all students entering Mason Public Schools. Educating children is a privilege and responsibility that I truly believe is the most important job in the world.
Working together with a skilled and passionate staff, we are looking forward to providing your student with quality and hands-on early learning experiences, enriching, engaging activities, and physical activity with recess and structured playtime. We believe in supporting the academic, social and emotional growth of the whole child through the use of multiple curricular and play-based interactions. Early Childhood Education is the foundation for later school success and we are committed to laying a solid foundation!
Our goal is to connect with students and families through quality conversations, an open-door policy, and frequent communication. Feel free to communicate with school staff, call or email me as you see fit.
The Child Development Services Office is located at the Ash and Cedar Street entrance of the building. ALL STUDENTS and visitors MUST ENTER AND EXIT through the main office doors door 11 only- Classrooms with exterior doors will be locked, and all visitors must report to the main office. Thank you you keeping our staff and students secure. Parents may park in the lot and former bus loop located on the north side of the building. Preschool and Early Learning students must be walked into the building and signed in at their classroom doors.
Plan to review the Parent Handbook in advance and help familiarize your child with the program by encouraging positive behaviors and following school expectations. Students are expected to be kind, safe, and responsible during their time at Harvey Education Center and follow the Mason Public School District’s Code of Conduct.
We are looking forward to working with you and your child! Thank you in advance for a positive and enriching school experience at Harvey Education Center…Where Bulldogs Begin!
In Partnership,
Mrs. Angie Vandecar Harvey Center Principal
Find us on Facebook for news, photos, and updates.
Tuition Based Preschool
Early Learning (4 years)
Early Learning is a tuition-based pre-kindergarten program through Mason Public Schools. Classes are taught by Early Childhood educators with an Associates' degree or higher in Child Development or Early Childhood Education. The Early Learning program serves as a school-structured environment designed for 4 and 5-year-old students who will be attending Kindergarten the following school year. Students will participate in learning centers, whole group and large group instruction, thematic lessons, free play with choice-based activities, and early literacy standards such as letters and sounds, rhyming and blending, pre-writing skills, and increasing vocabulary, comprehension, and pre-reading skills.
Early Learning classrooms follow a researched-based Creative Curriculum, Zoo Phonics, and teacher-created resources.
All Early Learning classrooms are Monday through Friday and follow the elementary school calendar. We offer half-day (morning) and full-day formats.
Full-day students eat lunch at school. You have the option to pack a lunch from home or purchase hot lunch from food services by cash or check. Full-day classrooms have a “rest” time with cots in the classroom. Students bring a blanket and small pillow to leave at school for the week and take home on Friday for laundering.
Children must be at least 4 years old by September 1st of the current school year and toilet trained to enroll.
Time and Tuition:
5 day Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. $365.00/monthly
5 day Mon-Fri 8:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. $690.00/monthly
5 day Mon-Fri 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. $1,030.00/monthly
$65 registration fee is due at sign up with equal monthly payments starting September 1.
$80 late registration fee - August 1st
To register, please contact CDS Registrar Patty Neisinger at (517) 676-6528 Ext. 2650
Preschool (3 years)
Our Preschool program is designed for young children, ages 3 and 4, as an introduction to the school setting. We offer half-day sessions in 2-day and 3-day per week formats, as well as a full-day 5 day per week option. Preschool classrooms focus on introducing letters and sounds, songs, fingerplays, art, gross motor activities, sensory learning, and child-directed choice time. Students earn very early literacy and math concepts, as well as a focus on social and emotional skills. The Preschool program uses a blend of curriculum including Creative Curriculum, Zoo Phonics, and teacher-created resources.
Teachers in the Preschool program are trained in Early Childhood Education, holding an Associates' degree or higher in Child Development.
Children must be at least 3 years old by September 1st of the current school year and toilet trained to enroll.
Time and Tuition:
2 day Tues/Thurs 9:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m. $165.00/monthly
3 day Mon/Wed/Fri 9:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m. $215.00/monthly
5 day Mon-Fri 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m. $690.00/monthly
$65 registration fee is due at sign-up with equal monthly payments starting September 1.
$80 late registration fee - August 1st
Preschool and Early Learning (Pre-K)
The program calendar is available below.
To register, please contact CDS Registrar Patty Neisinger at (517) 676-6528 Ext. 2650
Grant-Funded Programs
Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP)
GSRP is a grant-funded pre-kindergarten program partnered through Mason Public Schools and Ingham Intermediate School District. Classes are taught by Early Childhood educators with a Bachelor's degree or higher in Child Development, Elementary Education (ZA), or Early Childhood Education. The GSRP program serves as a child-centered pre-kindergarten environment designed for 4 and 5-year-old students who will be attending Kindergarten the following school year. Students will participate in hands-on learning centers, small group instruction, dynamic lessons, free play with choice-based activities, and early literacy standards such as letters and sounds, rhyming and blending, pre-writing skills, and increasing vocabulary, comprehension, and pre-reading skills.
GSRP classrooms follow researched-based Creative Curriculum, Al’s Pals, Teaching Strategies Gold, and PELI (Preschool Early Literacy Indicators).
All GSRP classrooms are Monday through Thursday and follow the Ingham Great Start school calendar. We offer full-day formats only.
GSRP students eat lunch at school, provided by Mason Public Schools Food Services, at no cost to families. GSRP classrooms have a “rest” time with cots in the classroom. Students bring a blanket and small pillow to leave at school for the week and take home on Thursday for laundering.
Children must be at least 4 years old by September 1st.
All GSRP students must be registered at through Ingham Intermediate School District. Applications will be routed to Mrs. Vandecar, HEC Principal, for enrollment and processing. We are proud to partner with Ingham ISD and work closely with our team of Early Childhood Specialists and Consultants.
GSRP families will have 2 home visits during the school year, family activity nights, and parent/teacher conferences.
What is GSRP? Michigan Department of Education
Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Prekindergarten - Michigan State Board of Education
Please register online.
Head Start
Head Start Preschool is a grant-funded preschool program partnered through Mason Public Schools and Capital Area Community Services. Classes are taught by Early Childhood educators with an Associates' degree or higher in Child Development, and Early Childhood Education. The Head Start program serves as a child-centered preschool environment designed for 3 and 4-year-old students who will be attending Kindergarten the following school year or two. Students will participate in hands-on learning centers, small group instruction, dynamic lessons, free play with choice-based activities, and early literacy standards such as letters and sounds, rhyming and blending, pre-writing skills, and increasing vocabulary, comprehension, and pre-reading skills.
GSRP classrooms follow researched-based Creative Curriculum, Al’s Pals, Teaching Strategies Gold, and PELI (Preschool Early Literacy Indicators).
All Head Start classrooms are Monday through Thursday and follow the Capital Area Head Start calendar. We offer a half-day format with a.m. and p.m. classes.
Head Start students eat all snacks and lunch at school, provided by Mason Public Schools Food Services, at no cost to families. Head Start also provides assistance through our family advocate, Gwen Atkins.
Children must be at least 3 years old by September 1st of the current school year to enroll.
All Head Start students must be registered at Ingham Preschool through Ingham Intermediate School District and CACS. Applications will be routed to Head Start and Mrs. Vandecar, HEC Principal, for enrollment and processing.
Head Start families will have 2 home visits during the school year, family activity nights, and parent/guardian/teacher conferences. Working with families is our number one priority in Head Start!
Kids' Clubhouse - Before and After School Childcare
Before and After School Childcare
An Open House for Before and After School Care and Summer Programs is held in March for new enrollments. Additional enrollment will continue throughout the Spring and Summer. Our Before and After School Childcare Program will maintain a waiting list and offer spots as they become available.
Families enroll for a consistent 3 or 5 days per week schedule. Childcare is available from 7:00 a.m- 8:45 a.m. and 3:45-6:00 p.m.
5 day Before School $215.00/monthly
5 day After School $240.00/monthly
3 day Before School $129.00/monthly
3 day After School $141.00/monthly
We offer an enriching and engaging Before and After School Childcare Program for Early Learning and Kindergarten through 5th-grade for students enrolled in Mason Public Schools.
We use Mason Public Schools transportation to provide busing to the elementary buildings. Elementary students ride the bus to and from Alaiedon, North Aurelius, and Steele schools.
The program includes breakfast (before school) and a snack (after school) through the Mason Public Schools Food Services program. All food is prepared by program staff and ordered through Gordon Food Services (GFS). We accommodate allergies and dietary needs within reason. If your child requires food accommodations, you may provide snacks and/or work with staff to meet the needs of your student.
Activities include arts and crafts, games, recess, sports in the gym, computer time, homework time, and center-time rotations. We participate in community service projects and partner with local organizations as well.
Staffing is based on maintaining a proper ratio through the LARA State of Michigan licensing guidelines. We have a Before/After School Childcare Program Lead Caregiver and many staff members within the program hours. HEC provides a 1:18 ratio for school-age children and a 1:12 ratio for Early Learners (ages 4 and up). We currently do not offer childcare options for children under the age of 4.
All K-5 and Early Learning Students are required to follow all Mason Public Schools Behavior Expectations and the District Code of Conduct. This includes maintaining safe and respectful behavior with all students and staff members. Students are at risk for dismissal from the Before and After School Childcare Program according to district guidelines if safety or behavior prohibits maintaining a positive environment for all students.
HEC is a 4-Star Child Development Center registered with Great Start to Quality, and works to maintain high standards and expectations for our programs.
The program calendar is available below.
To register, please contact CDS Registrar Patty Neisinger at (517) 676-6528 Ext. 2650
Kids' Clubhouse - Summer Programming
Summer Childcare Program
We offer full-time summer childcare for students in Early Learning (age 4) through 5th Grade. We do not have a preschool childcare option at this time. Families enroll for a consistent 3 or 5 days per week schedule. Childcare is available from 7:00 a.m- 6:00 p.m.
5 day $240.00
3 day $160.00
There is a 10% discount for each additional sibling enrolled in the same program
Ongoing enrollment for new students will continue throughout the Spring until all spots are filled. Students will be enrolled in the order registered.
Our Lead Summer Program Director is Ms. Christy Evans. The staff consists of many Mason Public Schools employees who work during the school year in our Preschool/Pre-K classrooms, as special education aides in the elementary/middle/high school, food service or custodial workers, and local college students home for the summer. All staff is trained according to the State of Michigan Childcare rules and regulations established by LARA.
The Summer Program is designed for fun and learning! Students take 1-2 field trips per week to places such as Impression 5, Mason Library, Daily Scoop, City Limits Bowling, Potter Park Zoo, Local parks, Farms, Movie Theater, MSU Gardens/Dairy, the Ingham Co. Fair, Edru Roller Skating, and many more. We also bring in many special guests and visitors such as Preuss Pets, Karate/Yoga, Musical guests, and more. We have bike/scooter days, sprinklers & slip and slides day, bounce house events, and summer play. All field trips and experiences are included in the program cost.
Activities include arts and crafts, science and hands-on experiments, structured games, recess, sports in the gym, computer time, and center-time rotations. We participate in community service projects and partner with local organizations as well.
The Summer Program includes breakfast and snacks through the Mason Public Schools Food Services program. All food is prepared by program staff and ordered through GFS. We accommodate allergies and dietary needs within reason. If your child requires food accommodations, you may provide snacks and/or work with staff to meet the needs of your student.
All K-5 and Early Learning Students are required to follow all Mason Public Schools Behavior Expectations and the District Code of Conduct. This includes maintaining safe and respectful behavior with all students and staff members. Students are at risk for dismissal from the Before and After School Childcare Program according to district guidelines if safety or behavior prohibits maintaining a positive environment for all students.
To inquire about summer options, please contact CDS Registrar Patty Neisinger at (517) 676-6528 Ext. 2650
Enrollment Open House and Fall Open Houses