
Mason High School offers a rigorous academic program where students develop critical thinking skills, are empowered to succeed, and are encouraged to serve their community.

English - 4 credits

  • 1 credit in Freshman English
  • 1 credit in Sophomore English
  • 1 credit in Junior English 
  • 1 credit in Senior English 

Math - 4 credits

  • 1 credit in Algebra I
  • 1 credit in Geometry
  • 1 credit in Algebra II
  • 1 credit of math or math-related course with at least 1/2 credit earned during their final year

Science - 3 credits 

Required courses and credits (2 credits): Students must complete each of the courses listed below.

  • Biology A - 1/2 credit
  • Chemistry A - 1/2 credit
  • Earth Science A - 1/2 credit
  • Physics A - 1/2 credit

Elective courses and credits (1 credit): Students must complete two of the courses listed below. 

  • Biology B - 1/2 credit
  • Chemistry B - 1/2 credit
  • Earth Science B - 1/2 credit
  • Physics B - 1/2 credit

Additional information

  • Students who enroll in and successfully complete 1 credit in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course can use that credit to fulfill the elective Science credit.
  • Students who enroll in and successfully complete Advanced Placement (AP) Biology, Chemistry, or Physics can use those credits to fulfill the elective Science credit.

Social Studies - 3 credits

  • 1 credit in U.S. History
  • 1/2 credit in U.S. Civics
  • 1 credit in World History
  • 1/2 credit in Economics

Computer Technology - 1/2 credit

  • Students must complete a 1/2 credit Information Technology course between 8th and 12th grades

Physical Education - 1 credit

  • 1/2 credit in Introduction to Physical Education
  • 1/2 credit Physical Education elective 

Visual, Performing and Applied Arts - 1 credit

World Language - 2 credits

Electives - 9 credits

High School credit total must be 27.5 or higher to meet requirements for diploma. 

2024/2025 Class Schedules

PDF Document1st Trimester

PDF Document2nd Trimester

PDF Document3rd Trimester

The State of Michigan has established specific curricular / graduation requirements that are required of all students through the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC). In addition, Mason High School also has specific graduation requirements that exceed the State of Michigan requirements.

While it is expected that all students will meet these expectations, the State of Michigan has created a process called the Personal Curriculum (PC) which allows students the opportunity to modify specific credit requirements and/or content expectations based on the individual learning needs of a student. It is designed to serve students who want to accelerate or go beyond the MMC requirements and students who need to individualize learning requirements to meet the MMC requirements.

Listed below is the process if you have an interest in exploring a Personal Curriculum. Personal Curriculum Process

  • The parent, school personnel, student age 18 or older, or emancipated student requests a PC through school personnel (guidance counselor or case manager).
  • The PC team meets (student, parent, counselor or designee, and teacher(s) who currently teaches the student or has expertise in the content being modified). The PC team reviews student information, performance data, and supports—including the EDP—and decides whether to recommend a PC. The PC team develops measurable performance goals for modifications and methods to evaluate the achievement of those goals.
  • The PC team writes an agreement and gets sign-off from the superintendent or chief executive and the parent or legal guardian (or emancipated student).
  • The PC is implemented.
  • The parent or emancipated student monitors progress through quarterly communication with each teacher of the modified content area. If revisions to the PC are needed, the PC team reconvenes and makes revisions using the same process.