Mason Middle School

Mason Middle School is committed to the vision and mission of Mason Public Schools. Mason Middle School strives to be an exemplary learning community that enables each student to flourish as a responsible citizen in a complex, changing world. MMS will embrace a culture of lifelong learning where collaboration, high expectations, and the development of each individual is the priority.

Report an Absence

Parents/guardians can report a student absences using the MMS Absence Reporting Form or by calling the office. 


2025 District Needs Survey Results

Thank you to the more than 1,000 Mason residents who completed the District Needs Survey in January! Your feedback is very important. 

It helps Mason Public Schools better understand the community’s support and priorities create our shared vision for the future. The Bond Steering Committee will use the survey results, along with district needs assessments and facility studies, to help finalize the Bond proposal. View the survey results and learn more about the planning process on the Bond website

Mason Area Chamber of Commerce Excellence in Education Award

Congratulations to this year’s Mason Chamber of Commerce (MACC) Excellence in Education award winner Allison Altenberger from North Aurelius Elementary! 

Mrs. Altenberger has taught special education at North Aurelius Elementary for seven years and supports students in grades 1-5, helping them grow academically and socially. 

Her students consistently achieve academic growth, especially in reading and math. She is known for her sense of humor as well as her compassion and dedication and works to build strong relationships with students and families. In addition, she communicates effectively with parents and colleagues creating a positive learning environment.  


Welcome Willow!

The Bulldog Bark Squad is growing again! Welcome Willow to Mason Public Schools! Willow will soon join her handlers Stephanie Faber and Alexis Woodruff at Steele Elementary! Thank you to Shaheen Chevrolet of Lansing for sponsoring Willow and Canines for Change for their continued support of the Bark Squad!


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Upcoming Events

  • 24 Mar
  • 1 Apr
    • 7th & 8th gr Bulldog Brilliance
      Date: Apr 1
      Time: 2:35 PM to 3:35 PM
      Calendar: Mason Middle School
      7th & 8th gr Bulldog Brilliance, Tuesdays & Thursdays after school.
      Students can stay after school to receive help with assignments, homework, etc.
      It is held in our Library and supervised by our teaching staff. Students can either be picked up at 3:30 or sign up for the Late Bus, and ride the elementary route home, if they normally ride a bus for school. 
      If a student needs to ride the Late Bus, they need to sign up in the Main Office with Mrs. Wright no later than 11:00 am each day that they will be riding the Late Bus. 
      Students do not need to sign up in advance to attend Bulldog Brilliance; they can just come to the Library on those days and sign in upon arrival.
  • 3 Apr
    • MS Robotics Team 8424, State Championship
      Date: Apr 3 - Apr 5
      Calendar: Mason Middle School
      MS Robotics Team, Michigan State Championship, Saginaw Valley State University
    • 7th & 8th gr Bulldog Brilliance
      Date: Apr 3
      Time: 2:35 PM to 3:35 PM
      Calendar: Mason Middle School
      7th & 8th gr Bulldog Brilliance, Tuesdays & Thursdays after school.
      Students can stay after school to receive help with assignments, homework, etc.
      It is held in our Library and supervised by our teaching staff. Students can either be picked up at 3:30 or sign up for the Late Bus, and ride the elementary route home, if they normally ride a bus for school. 
      If a student needs to ride the Late Bus, they need to sign up in the Main Office with Mrs. Wright no later than 11:00 am each day that they will be riding the Late Bus. 
      Students do not need to sign up in advance to attend Bulldog Brilliance; they can just come to the Library on those days and sign in upon arrival.
  • 8 Apr
    • 6th gr Celebration Cinema Field Trip
      Date: Apr 8
      Time: 10:15 AM to 2:25 PM
      Calendar: Mason Middle School
    • 7th & 8th gr Bulldog Brilliance
      Date: Apr 8
      Time: 2:35 PM to 3:35 PM
      Calendar: Mason Middle School
      7th & 8th gr Bulldog Brilliance, Tuesdays & Thursdays after school.
      Students can stay after school to receive help with assignments, homework, etc.
      It is held in our Library and supervised by our teaching staff. Students can either be picked up at 3:30 or sign up for the Late Bus, and ride the elementary route home, if they normally ride a bus for school. 
      If a student needs to ride the Late Bus, they need to sign up in the Main Office with Mrs. Wright no later than 11:00 am each day that they will be riding the Late Bus. 
      Students do not need to sign up in advance to attend Bulldog Brilliance; they can just come to the Library on those days and sign in upon arrival.
    • 8th gr Wash. DC Trip-Parent Mtg.
      Date: Apr 8
      Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
      Calendar: Mason Middle School
      Room 22, Auditorium room (to your right, across from the front doors)
  • 10 Apr
    • MSTEP 6th & 7th grades
      Date: Apr 10
      Calendar: Mason Middle School
      MSTEP Testing for 6th graders and 7th graders, 2 hours. First thing in the morning.
    • PSAT 8th grade
      Date: Apr 10
      Calendar: Mason Middle School
      PSAT Testing for 8th graders, 3 hours. First thing in the morning.
    • 7th & 8th gr Bulldog Brilliance
      Date: Apr 10
      Time: 2:35 PM to 3:35 PM
      Calendar: Mason Middle School
      7th & 8th gr Bulldog Brilliance, Tuesdays & Thursdays after school.
      Students can stay after school to receive help with assignments, homework, etc.
      It is held in our Library and supervised by our teaching staff. Students can either be picked up at 3:30 or sign up for the Late Bus, and ride the elementary route home, if they normally ride a bus for school. 
      If a student needs to ride the Late Bus, they need to sign up in the Main Office with Mrs. Wright no later than 11:00 am each day that they will be riding the Late Bus. 
      Students do not need to sign up in advance to attend Bulldog Brilliance; they can just come to the Library on those days and sign in upon arrival.
    • Evening of the Arts 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
      Evening of the Arts
      Date: Apr 10
      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
      Calendar: Mason Middle School
      MS Gym, Cafeterias, Halls, some classrooms.
  • 15 Apr
    • 7th & 8th gr Bulldog Brilliance
      Date: Apr 15
      Time: 2:35 PM to 3:35 PM
      Calendar: Mason Middle School
      7th & 8th gr Bulldog Brilliance, Tuesdays & Thursdays after school.
      Students can stay after school to receive help with assignments, homework, etc.
      It is held in our Library and supervised by our teaching staff. Students can either be picked up at 3:30 or sign up for the Late Bus, and ride the elementary route home, if they normally ride a bus for school. 
      If a student needs to ride the Late Bus, they need to sign up in the Main Office with Mrs. Wright no later than 11:00 am each day that they will be riding the Late Bus. 
      Students do not need to sign up in advance to attend Bulldog Brilliance; they can just come to the Library on those days and sign in upon arrival.



Mary Hilker-Loch
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Becky Wright
Attendance Secretary
Laurel Ritter
Secretary to the Principal/ Registrar
Dana Koot
Student Services Secretary/ Athletic Secretary


235 Temple Street
Mason, MI 48854

(517) 676-6514
Fax: (517) 833-1083

Start and Dismissal Times

7:40 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.

Wednesday Delayed Start
8:40 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.

Half Day
7:40 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.