Clubs and Organizations

Mason Middle School offers many opportunities for students to grow through participation in organizations and clubs. 

Chess Club
Students learn and practice the game of chess.  Weekly competitions and tournaments are held. 
Advisor: Sherry Dodendorf

Eighth Grade Book Club
8th-grade students read novels and meet as a book club to discuss the stories.
Advisors: Alex Reed and Cindy McCormick

Leo's Club
Students work as part of a junior Lions Club to promote the values and initiatives of the local Lions Club.  Students perform public service to the school and the greater community.
Advisor: Jerry Piche

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS - 8th)
The National Junior Honor Society is a club for our 8th-grade students that have demonstrated aptitude in the five pillars of scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship that define NJHS.  Students complete service projects throughout the year for the school and community earning service credits to maintain their standing within the club.
Advisor: Nathan Johnson

SAGA - Sexuality and Gender Alliance
SAGA is a student-led organization. The main objective is to create a space where all students feel welcome and to focus on ideas and activities around "Social", "Support", and "Advocacy" that can impact our school and community.
Co-advisors: Tiffany Henfling and Jacob Hardy 

Sixth Grade Homework Matters Club
Students work in a supported/organized learning environment to complete school work and learn organizational skills.
Advisors: Cindy Hyaduck, Lynn McCoy, and Sherry Dodendorf

Student Government
Students work with their advisor to serve as the student voice for the school to advise the administration and teachers about school improvement initiatives.
Advisor: Casei Marlan

Unified Partners' Club
Students promote inclusion, youth leadership, life lessons, and friendships between students with and without disabilities.
Advisors: Cindy Hyaduck and Inger Hammond