September 10, 2024

Parent/Teacher Conference Pilot Program

During contract negotiations this past summer, Mason Public Schools (MPS) teachers and administration agreed to enhance the opportunities for communication between schools and families. To that end, MPS has committed to a one-year pilot program regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences.

At the elementary level, Parent/Teacher Conferences will be in-person at your child’s school.  Parents will receive information from elementary building principals as Parent/Teacher Conferences approach.

Parent/Teacher Conferences at Mason Middle School and Mason High School will be replaced with teacher-selected office hours this year. 

The primary purpose of the pilot is to give students and families multiple, timely opportunities to communicate with teachers about academic and behavioral progress, replacing the underutilized traditional Parent/Teacher Conferences. During office hours, teachers, students, and/or parents can meet in person, via Microsoft Teams, or by telephone.  

During the pilot process, the district will collect data from students, families, and teachers about the effectiveness of secondary office hours for future consideration.

Please look for communication regarding specific office hours from your student’s building principal by the end of this week. We look forward to this opportunity to connect teachers, students, and families.