January 21, 2025

New Year, Same Drill

As students returned from Winter Break, rested and ready for learning, teachers and schools within the district welcomed students back by engaging in fun activities and reviewing content from the first half of the year- including behavior routines! 

Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) is a research-based system MPS uses to help students learn and practice behavior routines and social emotional wellbeing. 

These skills are an important foundation for learning. After returning from break, each building spent time reminding students of classroom-specific routines and expectations such as completing work, when and how they use the restroom, hat and gum policies, etc. Additionally, our younger Bulldogs may have also practiced school-wide routines such as lining up for the bus, walking quietly in the hallway and cleaning up after themselves in the lunchroom.

Maintaining positive and effective routines allows students, teachers and staff more time to focus on fun and learning!